2013美国电影《打开心扉》剧情;Eight Rwandan children leave their families behind to embark on a life-or-death journey seeking high-risk heart surgery in Sudan. Their hearts ravaged by a treatable disease from childhood strep throat, they have only months left to live. Open Heart reveals the intertwined endeavors of Dr. Emmanuel, Rwanda's lone government cardiologist fighting to save the lives of his young p..打开心扉经典影评; 打不死的男主,难打死的坏蛋加朵可爱,RR笑点担当,石头表现最拉,整体挺流畅惊喜,甚至有点小秘密特工的感觉,,姜文太适合演蓝先生这样在片子里穿针引线的角色了,关键时刻扎你两针让你不至沉迷于那风雨飘摇中仅存的风花雪月的假象