2023日本电影《夹缝中活着,小春》剧情; Haru, a struggling magazine editor, meets the painter Toru during research for one of her articles. Toru is autistic and straightforward in expressing his thoughts. Haru is drawn to his honesty, and a deep emotional bond forms between the two despite their different personalities. Director Rika KATSU sensitively portrays their unusual relationship 源自:https://db.nipponconnection.com/en/event/1367/spring-in-between夹缝中活着,小春经典影评; 忽然想起一部情节非常类似的片子--戴立忍的《不能没有你》结果被马未都口中的高仓健吊起了胃口,又没找到追捕,就看了铁道员埃菲尔铁塔、金门大桥等多个地标性建筑均有出场