2023爱尔兰,英国电影《巴尔的摩》剧情;The latest by powerhouse artist-filmmaker duo Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor picks up a thread from their last film THE FUTURE TENSE, a soulful investigation of Ireland’s tumultuous history. Here, using the form of a heist movie, they tell the true story of Rose Dugdale (played by Imogen Poots), a young heiress who rebelled against her English aristocratic upbringing to volunt..巴尔的摩经典影评; 篇幅太小,笔触太浅,电影的故事题材挺好的,不管是往励志的方向还是煽情的方向,都可以成为一部很温暖向上的电影,但是作品呈现的效果太淡了,所有的情绪都没烘托出来,老师和情绪之间情感的变化也没有刻画出来,很多极佳的泪点都浪费了,不太走心100句台词有80句是在无脑喊人名很个人的一部电影,表现手法很罗生门,故事看似围绕老马冤案展开,但没人在乎真相,人们只愿意相信自己相信的,即便是A,在他人眼中那也是B