2022西班牙战争片《海上教堂2:土地之子》剧情; Hugo Llor, a 12-year-old boy who spends most of his time on the streets. His day is also spent in the shipyards and his dream is to become a shipbuilding craftsman, although his fate is uncertain. Hugo's life is not easy, he is a very lonely boy and his mother is forced to move away from him, but he has the support and protection of a respected old man: Arnau Estanyol海上教堂2:土地之子经典影评; 已经上映了,还是很难看人生失败的中年父亲带着女儿到神秘的外星“绿月亮”采矿,遇到前勘探员发生冲突,父亲被杀,女儿却和凶手结盟,一起踏上飞船回地球,贪得无厌的父亲,没心没肺的女儿。内容太松散,前因后果也没交代清楚。身处变迁时事,总是难免迷失,所得到的与所追求的会有所差别