2007美国泰剧《单身毒妈 第三季》剧情; In the series opener we meet Nancy Botwin, a recently widowed suburban soccer mom who's dealing pot to make ends meet; Nancy flips out when she discovers Josh, one of her competitors, is dealing to 10 year-olds at her youngest son's school, but she soon discovers a bigger skeleton in Josh's closet; Nancy is stunned when Quinn, her rival Celia's 15 year old daughter, asks her permission to have sex with her 15 year old son, Silas; Celia thinks her Nanny-Cam is the perfect solution to keep the kids celibate, but she ends up seeing much more than she bargained for.  单身毒妈 第三季经典影评; 我不知道为什么大家评分这么低呢,其实从很久之前我就觉得家庭教育对于一个孩子来说真的很重要,在每个人的成长过程中,家长、老师、保姆、邻居身边的人都在倾其所有地影响着,只是这一切都不会在小时候就体现出来,都是在慢慢年岁中渐渐弯了轨道 说这部片子反赌倒是真的…告诉了观众赌博靠的不仅是运气 还有计算能力 心理战 所以幻想暴富的羊羔们还是远离赌博8最后 那时候大家都好嫩噢 (她勇于担当,长途护送三个疯女人回故乡,却无法担当自己的绝望,最后用一根绳子吊死了自己…眼泪不停地流下来,这世界对女人太不友好了!